The work of the church is not done by one person, but rather by many hands working together to live the Gospel of Jesus Christ through the community of faith. If you are looking for a non-financial way to support the church, we have all sorts of teams who would love to share in your expertise. Below are the various teams working in the church to serve the community.
New members and volunteers are always welcome.
Give us a call to learn more on how to help!
The Board
The board acts as the main governing body of Knox-St. Paul’s. It is made up of members of the church who are devoted to developing the vision and policies of the church, ensuring that the resources of the church are responsibly used and its members are properly supported. It oversees all of the various teams and projects in the church, providing stewardship and support to the efforts of outreach and service in the community.
*Note: Those wishing to serve on the Board must hold official membership at Knox-St. Paul’s and be elected to be on the Board. To learn more about church membership, please contact the church office.
The Communications Team
The communications team focuses on the technological and media needs of the church. They are responsible for maintaining our website and social media pages, in addition to ensuring that the devices used during worship, such as the projector and computers, are up-to-date and effective in making worship accessible. The communications team also reaches out to local media such as newspapers in advertising events. In addition, the communications team works on the newsletter, flyers & pamphlets for events, and are responsible for putting together the annual report.
The Faith Formation Team
The faith formation team is primarily responsible for Sunday School and programme research and development. This team focuses on ensuring that the Sunday School and any programs geared towards youth and young adults are properly supported, including developing curriculums, Bible study groups, and other special activities like Messy Church or the Church Picnic. They also hold responsibility to ensure that police checks for volunteers working with children, youth, or vulnerable adults are up-to-date and properly filed.
The Finance Team
The finance team is primarily responsible for the finances of the church, organizing the monthly review of the General Account, and reviewing & monitoring monthly and quarterly budget details. They act as signing officers to the General Account and work to recruit and train Sunday offering counters. They recommend policy and procedures for financial matters and provide overall direction to the Treasurer of the church. In addition, they organize an annual internal audit by an appointed auditor and they oversee the Office Administrator’s budget for printing and postage.
The Ministry and Personnel Team (M&P)
The ministry and personnel team, also known as M&P, is primarily responsible for the Human Resources side of the church, ensuring that working conditions are safe and that staff are properly supported with continuing education, performance reviews, and updated policy and procedure manuals. They are also responsible for salary information and confidential support.
*Note: Those wishing to serve on the M&P team must hold official membership at Knox St. Paul’s and be elected to be a part of the M&P team.
The Music Team
The music team focuses on the music ministry of the church. They are responsible for maintaining the instruments, hymn books, licenses for music, and arranging organist supply. They prepare the music in conjunction with the minister and help to organize the choir and special music resources for outreach programs and special services.
The Outreach Team
The outreach team works with organizations and programs within the wider community to support various projects and to serve those in the community who need support. Programs like soup-kitchens, charitable partners, and other organizations are supported by this team. They work to ensure that we live out our vision of “Helping Build a City Where No One Journeys Alone“. They work with the following groups to ensure that the church lives the Gospel by helping our neighbours through many different partnerships and programs:
Agape Centre
Bereaved Families of Ontario
Centre 105
Cornwall and Area Christian Council
Cornwall Interfaith Partnership
The outreach team also hosts the Feed My Sheep initiative, a program where volunteers from Knox-St. Paul’s host a lunch at the Agape Centre during statutory holidays when it would normally be closed, ensuring that those in need can have access to a warm meal 365 days a year. In 2021, Feed My Sheep served 588 people over 10 statutory holidays. All meals were provided in take-out containers as per health guidelines.
The Pastoral Care Team
The pastoral care team is responsible for organizing the care and support of the congregation through visitation and pastoral contact. This usually takes the form of in-house visits, phone calls, and other forms of visitation. This team also organizes visitations and communion for hospitalized or grieving individuals, typically coordinated and shared with the minister. They help to provide transportation to church when needed and help distribute newsletters and bulletins to those who need it.
The Property Team
The property team helps to maintain the physical infrastructure of the church and to ensure that the facilities are maintained. They work on the safety and security of the building and maintain snow removal and other facility systems. They work as liaisons for church facilities to outside groups and ensure that the building remains accessible. They also manage building renovations and improvements, as well as submitting an annual budget for operational and capital needs.
The Sustainability Team
The sustainability team works on coordinating financial targets with finance for budget creation in addition to the use of facilities for church sponsored and non-sponsored events. They handle financial stewardship through budgeting, legacy planning, and donation coordination. They are also responsible for the strategic plan that Knox-St. Paul’s has adopted called Alive in Five.
The Trustees
The trustees are a group who are responsible for holding in trust all of the property of the congregation for the use and benefit of the congregation as part of the United Church of Canada. They are responsible for the trust and legacy funds through managing and releasing funds as needed, providing a full account of all funds. They also manage the investments of the church and arrange insurance contracts. In addition, they manage the rental property and capital projects, and submit reports annually to the congregation.
*Note: Those wishing to serve as a Trustee must hold official membership at Knox-St. Paul’s, be elected, and be the legal age majority in the Province of Ontario. To learn more, please contact the church office.
United Church Women (UCW)
United Church Women (also known as UCW) are a group who believe in nurturing Christian spirituality by reaching out through commitment and devotion to all God’s people in the promotion of truth, justice, peace, caring, and respect for all throughout the earth, God’s world; they believe in honouring God the Creator, and loving others through generous giving and joyful living; they believe in affirming and strengthening through individual and collective support through creative study, prayer, and action. UCW provides leadership and support through the various teams within Knox-St. Paul’s through the support of funds, fellowship, and fundraising for various projects. UCW hosts various events such as the Fall Bazaar, Bus Trips, and Tealess Teas.
*Note: Everyone is welcome to be a part of the UCW regardless of gender identity or age.
The Worship and Sacraments Team
The worship and sacraments team is responsible for putting together the worship service and ensuring there are volunteers to assist in the running of the service. Held in conjunction with the minister, the team works to ensure that greeters, ushers, readers, technicians, and other individuals are recruited to assist in worship. While the minister does the overall planning of scripture, hymns, and reflections, the team works to ensure that the minister is supported on Sunday morning. They are also responsible for maintaining a pulpit supply during times when the minister is away.