Our town is not unlike small towns all across North America and definitely not unique in the province of Ontario. Many young families and single people do not have food security and have a difficult time stretching their low incomes to include daily nourishment, once rent and utilities are paid. The Agape Center feeds approximately 100 people daily. Some are unemployed, some are not employable for many reasons. Our Government emptied many places which housed mentally challenged, physically challenged on the streets, and closed their doors. Not all were lucky to have loving families to take them home. Some are living on the streets all across Ontario…including Cornwall.
Christ told us to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, and shelter the homeless.
Feed My Sheep Ministry is a program in which we the church make a conscious effort to help feed the hungry on all statutory holidays (these days the center was closed to the hungry, now it is open). It is not a matter of collecting so many stalks of celery or cans of beans…it is a matter of making a Christian commitment to our brothers and sisters who are hungry…or personally cooking, cleaning, serving, mingling with our own people in our own community, who like every one else, needs a smile, a kind word a plate of food, and acceptance as one of the people of God.
This is our Mission. This is our Prayer. This is their Life.